September 2008 Specials From Touchwood Books
Amazing bargains courtesy of one of our suppliers. All Timber Press titles

1 Hardy Bamboos - Taming the Dragon by Paul Whittaker
This is the ultimate bamboo reference book for cool-climate gardeners.
Bamboos are extraordinary in their ability to transform a garden, adapt to inhospitable surroundings, and survive with little care. Paul Whittaker describes how bamboos perform in different places and highlights their growing habits. UK. Hardback, 299 pages, 190 x 265mm, 2005. 221 colour photos.
$25, was $70

2 A Natural History of Ferns by Robbin C Moran
“A Natural History of Ferns” is an entertaining and informative look at why ferns and their relatives are unique among plants. Ferns live in habitats from the tropics to polar latitudes, and unlike seed plants, which endow each seed with the resources to help their offspring, ferns reproduce by minute spores. There are floating ferns, ferns that climb or live on trees, and ferns that are trees. USA author. Hardback, 301 pages, 155 x 240mm, USA, 2004.
$20, was $65

3 The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers by George E Brown
Second edition revised by Tony Kirkham. How, when, and where to prune? The questions that beset every gardener never change, but the solutions do. "The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers" has always recommended the best possible pruning techniques and practices to gardeners. Now thoroughly revised and substantially expanded by Tony Kirkham, George Brown's classic work will continue to be trusted and respected as the essential pruning reference for years to come. More than 50 new photos illustrating key pruning points, this manageable, easy-to-use reference is more practical than ever. UK. Hardback, 338 pages, 180 x 295mm, 2004.
$20, was $60

4 The Well-designed Mixed Garden - Building Beds and Borders with Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, Annuals and Bulbs by Tracy DiSabato-Aust
This is no dry, scientific pictureless work on the subject. It is an informative, chattily yet seriously written discussion on how to set about designing your garden. DiSabato-Aust understands the ordinary gardener’s frustration at where to plant all their new acquisitions and the lazy gardener’s desire for an easy life with a beautiful garden. Borders, often pictured repeatedly at different times of day or season, show her attention to light, colour and form, demonstrating her vast experience on the subject. She highlights small yet important details, often skipped over in other publications, such as ultimate tree and shrub size, winter interest and inspirational plant combinations. Tracy Disabato-Aust was one of the main speakers at The NZ Landscape Garden Design Conference held in 2007 at Mt Wellington, Auckland. Hardback, 460 pages, 260 x 280mm, 2003. Many colour photos.
$30, was $75

5 The Well-tended Perennial Garden by Tracy DiSabato-Aust
Planting and pruning techniques. Timber Press's all-time bestseller! Tracy DiSabato-Aust has devoted years of study to creating showplace gardens with minimal maintenance. Her methods of pruning and shaping perennials, thoroughly explained and illustrated here, produce more flowers, encourage lush new growth, discourage pests, stagger bloom times, and maintain vigorous health. First edition, hardback, 269 pages, 190 x 270mm, 1996.
$20, was $50

6 Specialty Cut Flowers by Alan Armitage & Judy Laushman
Even though growing cut flowers for export is currently in the doldrums due to the strong dollar and competition from low-labour-cost countries there is still a demand for NZ-grown flowers and foliage from local florists. This book covers the production of annuals, perennials, bulbs and woody plants for fresh and dried cut flowers, and though American, is the most up-to-date book on the subject. Covers propagation, growing on, yields in the field or under cover, time to harvest, postharvest handling and pests and diseases. The various crops are listed in A-Z order. Second revised edition, hardback, 586 pages, 160 x 235mm, 2003.
$20, was $65.